Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical training and life

Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical
training and life

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Negative Greenbelt

May 10,2014
I woke up cursing myself for being imperfect today. On Tuesday I went for a test run to test out how my IT band syndrome was healing. In short it was a rough run with a lot of pain. Afterwards was fine and it haven't hurt since the trails on that Tuesday. But being a veteran of trail running I have learned to listen to my body... Well, as best I can. So I chose not to run my favorite run today, the Long Island greenbelt trail run. Instead I went for a 50 mile bike ride. Had to do something.
I dropped off the last of the game of thrones series at Justin's house then headed to cedar beach. During the ride I couldn't stop thinking about what I should be doing, running the greenbelt. It was a tough ride. My stomach was not cooperating with me for the first two hours or so. It probably was the weird healthy drink I got at whole foods. I finally got into it towards the end of the ride. 
The weather was the same it is every year. It rained a little, thundered a little and it was perfect weather for running. It wasn't the best for biking cause I hate cleaning the bike after a rain ride. Cleaning myself is no problem, usually. 
After the ride I hung out with my mom as well as did some bike tinkering before it started to thunder and rain again. We had dinner and I had the red rice beer I have every day this year, a tradition. Not much else to say about the race I never did. I know I did he right thing by not running it, but it still hurts. There is always next year and hopefully next week will be better with regards my running. Oh well, until next year....
"Wanting to run"
- Barton

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