Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical training and life

Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical
training and life

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Train Wreck

So it is possible to come out somewhat unscathed from a train wreck. I say this because I finished the Hamptons marathon for thethird time but this time I was fully unprepared in my training expecting the worst for this race. Running the least amount I have ever run ever and my long run being a measly 16 mile run on saturday I was bracing myself for the crash. Surprisingly this turned out to be one of my most memorable races to date.
I think I slept between the hours of 11 pm to 12 pm and then again around 3:30 am to 4:30 am when I was woken up by what sounded like to me was the banging of pots like it was New Year's Eve in my parents kitchen. It was really only my parents getting ready for a day in the Hamptons and also being my taxi. (Note to self: don't mix white wine and whiskey before trying to fall asleep before a marathon. Not the best pre race strategy for getting a restful nights sleep.) So after feeding cadence we all were out the door off to the Hamptons, after a 7-11 run of course.
The plan was for my parents to drop me off and meet me in 5 hours, which is how long I figured it would take me due to my lack of training. I went through the usual race morning routing; wandering around aimlessly, frequent porter potty trips (if your a guy like me its the nearest bush.), and constantly looking at everyones shoes.
The race started with a loud shout of applause from the athletes sharply at 8 A.M. I started the race not really talking to anyone, on my own and in my own world until the 6 mile mark. Right after the marathoners split from the half marathoners I came into conversation with a fellow marathoner named Chuck.
I think I owe this marathon victory of mine to him as we as Adam who joined are little pack around the 10 mile mark. The three of us stayed together on and off talking, encouraging and laughing until the 25 mile mark. I always like to finish strong and push it at the end so I did what I had to. It was really motivating and comforting talking to someone who you know is going through the exact same thing you are going through. A lot of people say, " I know exactly what your going through." They then go about an relate an experience that is similar to the one you told them. But running a marathon is a little different. Being in that same moment of running we are experiencing the same act, simply putting one step in front of the other for 26.2 miles. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't run into (no pun intended) Chuck and Adam but this race really showed me the power of the mind as well as how encouragement from others can really help during the tough times to accomplish a goal. My mind has not been the greatest source of encouragement lately so it was a nice ego boast to make it to the finish line.
After completing the marathon (4:00.36) my parents were there as I turned into a zombie like I usually do after such an event. It's not your normal lack of sleep zombie,which I was. It's the kind of zombie high on endorphins that usually lasts the rest of the day and sometimes most of the night. So in the zombie world it's a zombie that just escaped for the insane asylum. So after a downed a zico and got some life back in me a congratulated chuck and met up with my parents. To date the best recovery fuel after a marathon is still hot chocolate. A long with the blueberry muffin I had with it I was in heaven. Who needs beer. I actually am drinking the special brew I always have in the fridge at home that can't be opened until after the race. Took me a week to get to it but well worth the endeavor.
I consider the race and day as a success, a great memory that goes by way to fast. One thing I will always remember about this particular race is the feeling of getting up and trying to walk after sitting for a while. Needless to say I went to a microbrewery with some friends later on that night. After conversing at length I was having the urge and it was going to be nice to use actual facilities instead of bushes for a change. My body really told me that I should have trained more. When I finally reached the table again I just stood for the remainder of the night.
Next stop is the New York City marathon (left foot allowing) on Sunday November 4, 2012. I am definitely more prepared after this race and will hopefully run into chuck around mile 6 again.
"I ❤ zombies"