Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical training and life

Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical
training and life

Friday, January 18, 2013

Zombies 2013

It's surprising, no matter which direction you go in life there is always someone there to put you down and keep you from following your current path. I've heard the term, "energy vampires" but considering the current trend in entertainment today I prefer, "blood-sucking zombies." These "people" will never be happy no matter what and there whole existence is to take as many people down with them as possible. (Sounds familiar to something else). The best way to deal with these people is not to let them get to you. Set up your internal shields and every negative, energy draining attack will simply bounce off you and they will fail in accomplishing there goal.
One question is, "How do I keep put up my internal shield?" I've thought about this a bit. My answer is, in the same way a literal shield can be weakened and of need of repair. Our internal one needs to be repaired and strengthened on a regular basis.
In every video game I have ever played I always hated using my shield. If I was given the choice I would much rather just be on the offensive rather then the defensive. Being on the defensive requires skill and more focus than just button mashing and attacking. Same way with regards internal battles thinking before speaking was never a strong suit of mine. It's much easier to just start button mashing and attacking someone verbally when they attack you. The truly smart individual will be tactful and use the shield. He will respond kindly, not lashing back. Therefore, rendering the blood-sucking zombies attacks ineffective. Kill them with kindness as the saying goes. Like anything else developing and using your own internal shield takes time.

So in the words of the current entertainment culture. Think positive, shield yourself and kill zombies.

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