Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical training and life

Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical
training and life

Monday, November 25, 2013

Reading and Writing

Getting the right mindset on anything you are doing is fundamental. If your not focused on what you are doing it is impossible to do it well. My mind trends to jump from idea to idea and topic to topic. Getting focused is a skill that takes work and effort on the part of the individual. I found that reading and writing helps to reset that random, haphazard mind that I sometimes have. It occurs when I have too many things on my mind, which is usually the case. Getting absorbed in writing and reading is well worth the effort. Sometimes however it can be a challenge depending on the setting your in.
     A quiet place can be a blessing on occasions. It removes all the clutter around so you won't be so easily distracted. Once you really get into the book or your writing the setting will matter less. The goal is to become engrossed in what your doing. One of my favorite sayings is, "when washing dishes just wash dishes." Even though dish washing may not be fun. However, if you really focus on it and do your best you will find that even a simple task like washing the dishes can be fun and fulfilling. Your mindset is the most important thing for your happiness and satisfaction.  
      Another good thing to do which involves writing is making lists. When you write something down you are making it your destiny to do it. So making a list of things you want to or need to get accomplished is a great way to do them without tossing the idea back and forth in your head. When you toss the idea around in your head it usually does just that, go back and forth and nowhere else. 
      When you write it out whether it is a list, journal entry, short story or any other form of writing it sets that thought more firmly in your mind. It makes it solid and a part of you. You can use this for your benefit. For example, let's say you want to stop drinking beer ( I don't intend too.) but for illustrative purposes let's use that.
      So you would write an essay about how you plan on and how you want to stop drinking beer. You get it out there on the interweb and thereby hold yourself accountable. You could also include all the benefits of not drinking beer such as... Well can't really think of any except not having too much and acting stupid. 
      That's all it really takes. Sometimes you may want to do something but forget about it. We can only have one thought at a time and if the one we want to do isn't ingrained in our head we would soon forget about it and move on to something else. Stupid monkey minds we have. So reading and writing something out helps in that it etches into our brains the topic, thought or idea we want to remember. The more we write about it the more important it becomes to us. Maybe that's why teachers used to make us write and rewrite certain things on the blackboard. Well at least that's what we did back I my day. Not that I was the one writing on the blackboard. That task was typically reserved for those who needed to not repeat a previous action they did. 
      The written word is truly a magical thing. For me it helps me formulate thoughts and opinions in a way that I couldn't vocalize. So I guess I better just keep writing. As well as think ( writing internalized) before I speak.
"don't mind the foot in mouth."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


                 Soccer Meditation

      So one of the things I have been doing recently is doing what I call, "soccer meditation". I always like to do pull ups at some point in the day, every day. A couple years back I installed a pull up bar in my apartment between my bedroom door posts to help me accomplish this daily goal. I was thinking about installing another one around the yard so I could be outside when I needed to not be distracted by all the things going on inside. Instead of that I have been doing one better. After work on my way home (actually it is a little out of the way) I stop by a youth soccer field and do pull ups on the unused soccer goals. 
      I call these, "soccer meditations" because it's not really a work out but rather an excuse to get outside and breath the chilly and invigorating autumn air. I park the car, get out and start my timer. I run easy to the far soccer field that's not being used and do 15 pulls on one and run to the other and do the same. I do a minimum of 60 pull ups and some push ups in between the last set. I do this all with a headlight on cause of the darkness being so overbearing this time of year. I finish up the soccer meditation with an easy run around all the sports field followed by some easy stretching. Easy easy easy is the key. I don't want to make this turn into a workout but rather just a way to get the blood flowing and relax my brain a tad before the ride home. 
      Besides of the benefit of being outside and breathing the fresh, crisp air I've also believe it has help me prevent an injury. During the week I wear a set of Merrell trail shoes that are basically a strip of leather with laces. Doing these quick 1 mile runs in these barefoot shoes on the slightly uneven soccer turf I feel help move the foot around in a variety of ways. Variety is the spice of life. Instead of the same motion over and over again which is a recipe for injury. The uneven surface forces me to use different muscles that would be not otherwise be used on a run on the roads. 
      This variety that is found on grass and trails is one reason I prefer the woods over the streets. There's also a sense of peace that isn't the same as it is when you hit the roads. Having not to deal with the crazy Long Island drivers is another benefit of searching out trails and fields.  
      But the real key for me to really enjoy these little skips is the fresh, chilly air. Breathing is enjoyable not merely something I do on a regular basis. The coolness seems to revitalize my body and energize my brain or visa versa. It's just one more excuse for me to be outside. It's also amazing to look up at the night sky and see the stars. I don't really get a chance to see it by me cause of all the light pollution. It was exceptionally starry the day I went there when they canceled all the youth soccer practice. I really needed my headlight that particular night but the solitude was a nice needed retreat, even if it was only for 15-20 minutes. That's how long it usually takes me before I end with some stretching and make the ride back home. I have a feeling this socmed may get extended in the future knowing my way of overdoing things. But for now it's a nice way to start my commute back home.  
"Remember to breathe"