On one of my swims I came to thinking about how much football is like Medieval times when there was wars and kings. Just like in times past rulers wanted to occupy as much territory as possible. If that meant going to war with opposing rulers, so be it. Football is the same principle. Your team tries to occupy territory that the opposing team is trying to defend. Both war and football were to obtain glory and prove superiority.
So we humans have been interested in violence and power for a long time, especially here in America. Football being so popular here that sometimes it's the fans who can be more violent than what is going down on the field. I blame it on the violent atmosphere. Well that and alcohol.
Don't get me wrong I like football. Especially happy finding out the jets just beat Tampa 18 - 17. I love the athleticism of the game. It's kind of like body building meets running with strategy involved. All things I love to do. I love to beat myself up and push my limits. But for me the only opponent I have is myself. Or the occasional runner in a race who is wearing a dress. No way I can let that person beat me.
One reason I really like football is that I relate football to real life. You are the quarterback of your own life.The truth is that we live in a violent world, now way around it. The quarterback likewise is in a violent world measuring 120.0 yd x 53.3 yd or 6400 yd² which is the dimensions of an American football field. Not to be confused with a pitch which is what the field is called in soccer. You being the quarterback of your life requires that you know the plays or in other words your actions. Being self aware and also aware of your surroundings is essential in being a great quarterback. You of course need a good team consisting of friends, family, and people that impact your life. Even an elite quarterback can fail miserably if his team is not up to par. Even if he has the best team possible he can have an off game. Learning and adapting come with experience on the field. When we learn for our mistakes and make wise decisions we benefit. One wise choice is that despite the team we have been given we need them. A quarterback cannot win the game by himself. We need to do the best we can with what we have but we also need to trust and rely on others. It's a violent world just like its a violet field when the game of football is in play. We need all our talents and skills but we need a team and react appropriately for the given situation. Isn't football great? That's another reason we need good coaching to improve and become a better quarterback of our life. It's very difficult to figure it out by ourselves and good guidance is a big help. Only if we believe it. Belief in the guidance and counsel is only of benefit if we use and apply it. Ultimately it is our choice when the game is on. There are plenty of options for us to consider and a cool head is needed in order no to be overwhelmed. In the game of football the quarterback can give the ball to a teammate or choice to run it himself. An his team mates are constantly being changed. Sometimes an important player gets hurt and can prove to be a detriment to the teams overall performance.
We will meet countless interesting and unique people that come on to our own ,"field." Some will be on our side, others on the opposing side. Sometimes as you begin to learn about them it may be hard to tell which side they choose to go to. Eventually it becomes clear if you the QB are aware of your surroundings. Never forget the people you are close with and try to maintain that bond. A QB always has his go to guys. Guys he can trust to help bail him and the team out in a critical moment when the stakes are high. Trusting someone can be a hard thing to do sometimes but is a necessity in order to accomplish the task sometimes.
As with life you never know how the game of football is going to turn out. There are too many variables to consider and you can be overwhelmed by it. A good QB knows to be in the moment no matter what moment he is in. You can only handle one moment at a time and we can easily forget that. The plays change but the game stays the same. Adapting to the changes is a key component in winning the game. So adapt and train and learn from your mistakes.
"Everyday is the Super Bowl."