Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical training and life

Bunch of rambling thoughts about physical
training and life

Monday, April 30, 2012

april 2012

Maybe its the sound of the water drowning out all the other stresses your body and mind accumulate throughout the day. Or it could be the lack of oxygen after a really hard set, which leaves you gasping for air at the edge of the pool. It could also be the focus on when to breath so as to not be inhaling water which is not very fun. It seems that swimmingreally brings out the positive spirit inside myself and when you force yourself to go fast, for even the shortest distance, you are forced into having fun. The tired sense of accomplishment forces you to focus on the positive things. Theres so many negative things that can weigh us down and their always going to be there. Swimming forces yourself to focus on the positive, simple things such as breathing. Cause what is there to be negative about when your body is in motion in 'clean', revitilizing water. Sometimes it can be hard just to get to the pool. I've learned to tell myself that I'm a shark to get pumped up. Sounds silly but it works. A shark being a top predator oozes with confidence. Just by the way it swims it is easy to visualize the almost prideful motion of the sharks swimming. When you think your a shark, you are a shark, its a simple self-fulfilling prophecy that works.
When those negative thoughts come into your head, cause they will, you need to trick yourself sometimes to keep going. One great way is to break up the yardage into smaller parts. I like to give more effort at the 500 yard, and after every 500 yard I will start back at 100 yard in my head. So every 5th 100 I count back as if it is my first 100 yard. You still with me? Changing your speed helps you to want to keep going. Sounds weird but going faster will actually help you sometimes.Visualizing that the water is my enemy is a great motivator as well. It may not always be the smoothest or fastest way through the hydrogen and oxygen bonds but it sure fells good. except when the 60 and 70 year olds that have been doing it for years pass you cause you have no form, but thats another story.

-Washing away the stresses- Barton
Pic is from Ireland = Americano and lemon coconut muffin. Another way to reduce stress. :)